
YourMark is a non-commercial social network platform designed to increase awareness and raise funds fornon-profit organizations with the aim to provide true social good to the most undervalued parts of humanity.

Urban Traffic Congestion Mitigation

Research Project: Use of Monte Carlo search tree and Reinforcement Learning to optimize traffic lights in an urban environment to reduce traffic congestion and avoid spillback situations.

Deep learning-based synthetic CT generation for MR-guided radiotherapy optimization

In this study, we investigated the performance of contrastive learning for MR-based sCT generation in HN cancer and compared it to the baseline model CycleGAN. We showed that, when trained under the same conditions and on the same data, CUT outperformed both, its variant FastCUT and CycleGAN, serving as a proof-of-concept for the validity of this method.

Visual Odometry Pipeline

Initialization: Use of Harris for feature detection and KLT for feature tracking to generate a keypoint matching and use of 3p3 RANSAC for estimating initial pose of cameras Continuous Operation: Use of 3p3 RANSAC to continuously estimate the camera pose of new frames New landmarks addition: Use of Harris and KLT to detect and track new landmarks

Inverse Kinematics

Implementation of an iterative inverse kinematics algorithm to calculate net joint velocities in a rigid body linked segment robot.

Interactive tool visualization Reinforcement Learning methods

Developed an interactive tool that operates in a grid world to visualize the evolution of V and Q updates of Policy Iteration, Value Iteration and Q-Learning. The tool allows to tune multiple hyperparameters such as the discount factor, the learning rate, the exploration rate, or the stochasticity of the transition probabilities.

Global Trading Routes Optimization

Hackathon Project | Development a framework in Unity that:
1. Visualizes current global trade routes for a specific good and a specific country
2. Optimizes current global trade routes to reduce emissions, risk and finantial cost

Multibody Orbital Mechanics

Simulation playground of multibody orbital mechanics using ODEs. The tool allows to insert multiple planets in a multibody system and projects the future trajectory of the planets.

Evolutionary Game Theory

Project depicting processes of evolutionary game theory. Simulation of the population evolution of species using stochastic strategies to interact with each other.

Ant Colony Optimization

Visual Simulation of Ant Colony Optimization: A probabilistic technique for solving computational problems which can be reduced to finding good paths through graphs.

MiniMax search for Chess player agent

Design of a chess interactive tool with the implementation of minimax search to design an agent capable of determining best move accounting for all game states X movements ahead.

Aircraft Path Optimization

Collection of shortest path algorithms (Dijkstra, A*, Bellman-Ford, All pair SP, DFS, BFS, and own) that converge to the most cost-effective air traffic routes by minimizing a cost function composed by fuel consumption, noise generated, obstacles proximity and traffic congestion.

Neuroevolution for Control

Research Project: Study of neuroevolution to create an AI driven vehicle control framework that achieved 3-layer integration control stability even with the presence of a disturbance random force.

Air Mobility

Research Project: Novel path planning method to achieve shortest paths while avoiding collisions and reducing traffic congestion.

Render Engine

Use of raycasting to build a render engine including union, intersection and smoothness filters.